Saturday, October 31, 2009

Blog Tips for Beginners

Disadvantages of Free Web Hosts

  • Limited web page space
  • Can't add interactive features (chat rooms, message boards, games, online ordering etc.)
  • Search engines often ignore them A HUGE disadvantage!
  • Your visitors may doubt your credibility
  • May have banners and/or pop ads on your homepage and/or all of your pages
  • Long and hard-to-remember web address (instead of
  • No guarantees of site availability and longevity
  • No branded emails addresses (
  • Poor help and support options (if any)
  • May not be free forever

Advantages of Owning Your Own Dot Com Name

  • Easy to remember website address (
  • No banners or popups
  • Easier to get listed in search engines (Google, Yahoo etc.)
  • You have more control over the look and feel of your website.
  • Multiple branded email addresses (
  • Plenty of web page space for site expansion
  • No worries of site being removed unexpectedly
  • Looks more professional
  • More flexibility for design and functionality
  • Help is readily available

Many beginners gravitate toward the free hosters because they feel that registering a domain name is too expensive and/or too difficult.

I realize the website building process may be intimidating for you if you've never created a site before. You may be worried about spending your money on something that is unfamiliar and difficult. I can totally understand that.

Let me assure you that building a dot com site is not expensive at all. The average website costs between $5 and $10 per month to maintain.

This site costs me absolutely nothing to maintain because I earn all of my hosting fees back (and then some) by belonging to Google's Adsense program.

Select a Web Host

You've arrived at the 2nd step to creating a web site.

After you have selected and registered your domain name you're ready to choose a web host.

A web host provides you with the space, tools and support to create your web pages and email accounts (

This is where all the action happens, so please read this page carefully to ensure that you choose the most appropriate option for your site.

After you've read through the different options below, I encourage you to view the web hosting comparison chart I created.

This will give you an overview of the basic features and hopefully help with your decision.

Other Web Hosting Options

After watching the video above, please make sure you read the following information because I discuss two more hosting options not offered at

It's important to note that you do not have to host your site at the same place you register your domain name.

You could register you domain name at and then choose to host your site some place else like, for example.
Why Powweb Hosting?

Powweb is one of the popular hosting companies on the Internet.

They are a privately owned, debt-free company that maintains all of their services in-house and have been providing top-notch web hosting since 1999.

Easy Website Builder Available

Powweb also offers a site wizard similar to Website Tonight plans (above) where you can choose a pre-created layout/template and create a website in minutes.

No programming is necessary. All you do is select the design you want and add your text.

Free Built-In Shopping Cart

The Powweb hosting plan also comes with a built-in shopping cart in case you want to take orders from your site (no installation necessary).

This is an ideal feature if you plan to sell products. Setting up a shopping cart can be a hassle so this is a very nice convenience.

Use Your Own HTML Editor

If you don't want to use their free website builder, you can also use software like CoffeeCup to create and edit your pages.

So if you own the software (or plan to buy it), you can save and publish all your work directly to the web from the software. Dreamweaver is also a great editor you can use. I used it to create and design this site.

Advanced Features

This hosting option also provides the platform so you can add advanced features such as message boards, chat rooms and other interactive features.

Tons of Satisfied Customers

When you visit their site, you'll notice that they proudly display over 100 testimonials from their satisfied customers that prove they are well worth the time and investment.

They also pride themselves on their peer-to-peer chat forums so you can chat with other Powweb customers as you share ideas, ask questions, and more. You can read my review of Powweb here.

How to Sign Up

When you register your domain name at, don't select a web host -- only order the domain.

Then after you have finished the domain name registration process, head on over to Powweb's site and sign up for their hosting.

All-in-One Hosting Option: Site Build It

This host is ideal if you plan on selling hard goods and/or want to learn how to make money from your website. If you choose this method you don't have to register a domain name separately because everything you need is included in the price.

How to Register a Domain Name

Congratulations! You've made it to the 1st step of creating a website. It is highly recommended that you read this ENTIRE page as it contains important information that most sites don't tell you about domain name registrations.

stop sign

Please don't rush this step! If you're trying to make money with your website, hopefully you've taken the time to read 2 plane a website first.

There is very important advice there about choosing your topic and doing the proper research and planning before you begin.

There are two basic steps to getting your site online and registering/reserving a domain name is the first.

A domain name makes up the address of your site and can end in .com, .net, .org, .info, .us, .biz, .tv and more. Throughout this site you will also see the domain name referred to as the "dot com name".

Once you have registered your name, you will select a web host (2nd step). The web host is the guts of any website because this is where you create and publish your pages, build order forms, add functionality and maintain your site.

First, let's focus on selecting the best domain name for your site...

Selecting The Best Domain Name

If being found in the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, etc.) is important to you, I highly recommend you register a name that contains your major keywords instead of your company name.

Think about it. The average surfer searches by subject, not by proper name. So why it may seem cool to have a name like, you'll want to choose a name that includes keywords that your target audience would likely use when they search.

So with that in mind, a name like would be much better than

Sure, you can still list your company name on your web pages, but I believe it's more important to make sure the domain name includes your important "search friendly" keywords if you want to receive traffic from all over.

Of course, you can still list your company name on the web site some place, but your domain name will include all the important keywords you'll want to be found with.

Now, as always, there are exceptions...

If you are just creating a website for a local business, getting traffic from all over the web may not be as important to you. This is because your customers will be local and you may want to grow your brand name in a specific area.

If this is the case, it may make more sense to register your company name and create brand awareness locally instead of trying to capitalize on search engine presence.

For example, let's say you have a company called J.W. Reed & Co and you help people get rid of debt, but you're based in Kansas and can only cater to residents in this area.

Since you are only servicing local clients, you may not care if someone in California can find your site in Google since they are not likely to become one of your customers.

In this case, it's not as important to register a name filled with "search optimized" keywords. You may decide to just reserve the company name,

NOTE: Keep in mind that the domain name is not the only factor weighed by search engines when deciding your rank.

The content on your web pages and your site's popularity (inbound links from other sites) is very important too. However, it certainly doesn't hurt to make sure your name is optimized for maximum results.

Here are some more tips on choosing the best domain name:

1) Don't register domain names that are too long and have too many syllables if you can help it. Yes, you can register names up to 63 characters long, but that doesn't mean you have to use all 63 characters.

You want your name to be easy to remember. Not everyone will bookmark your page initially so try to think of something that can be easily remembered -- although I realize this may be tricky since a lot of names are taken these days.

2) Use hyphens if your name is more than 3 words long (unless your name includes 3 short words). A name like doesn't really need a hyphen because it's readable the way it is.

However a name like looks better than since there are so many words in the name.

3) Protect your name by registering multiple extensions (.net, .org, etc.) This deters people from copying your name. For example, if you own you can also register and any other extension that's available.

You don't have to build a site on all the domains, but you can reserve the others to keep people (copycats) from registering them.

How to Register a Domain Name

Reserving a domain name is easy and very cost friendly. The big name companies like and charge ridiculous prices such as $30-35/year for one domain name, and you get the same service at for much less.

It doesn't matter where you register your domain. Every registrar provides the same services.

You can save a bundle at, and you get a bunch of freebies such as a blog, domain forwarding and a free starter page.

You Should Protect Your Privacy

As you're registering your name, you will be presented with the option of keeping your domain name private - a deluxe feature you'll probably want to take advantage of.

A private domain registration will keep your information (name, email address, etc.) out of the global Internet database, and will prevent a lot of spam from reaching your email box.

Even though registering a "private" domain is not mandatory and will not block all spam, I highly recommend you select this option. I certainly wish this had been available when I created my first site.

Need Help Choosing a Website Topic?

Choosing a topic for your website can be tough. Everyone seems to have the next "big idea" or looks for hot topics.

After all, wouldn't you love to be the one who invented MySpace, FaceBook or YouTube?

It often seems so simple. Just come up with a cool idea, build a site, sell it for millions to Yahoo or Google and you'll be rich!

Not exactly.

While this idea has worked for a handful of people, the average story doesn't go quite like that. Which is why I wanted to create this all-important page on topic choice.
Looking to Make Money?

If your goal is to make money with your site then I always recommend the simple approach.

I know you would love to create something like the next MySpace, but due to all the programming and technical knowledge needed to build and maintain a site like that, it's not a good idea for the average person.

Even if you are going to pay a programmer to create your site, it would cost you thousands of dollars. I don't think people realize the amount of resources that go into creating a site that offers user interaction and profiles.

Not to mention you'd probably need dedicated hosting space, which can cost you hundreds of dollars per month. You can forget the $10/month hosting plans.

Yes, these sites look cool on the surface but there are a lot of hidden headaches the average person does not see.

So what do I mean when I say "the simple approach?" I'm encouraging you to do what I've done for the past 10 years.

I don't own any fancy MySpace-like websites. I don't have a lot of Web programming skills. I just create sites on topics that interest me, draw in traffic and make money from affiliate programs like Google AdSense and other companies that sell products that relate to my topics.

Say you love to prepare desserts. You could create where you offer all your favorite cake recipes. You'd create your site and then spend time learning about SEO (search engine optimization) so your pages get found in Google, Yahoo, etc.

Then you could make money from Google ads and refer other products that your audience may find interesting. For instance, you could join's free affiliate program and refer some of their cookware.

Target provides you with the links to put into your site and you would earn a commission on every sale your site makes. They send you a check at the end of the month! There are thousands of affiliate programs like this.

An affiliate site like this is much easier to create and maintain than some large, programming-intense MySpace-like website. You could manage the site yourself with a program like Dreamweaver or CoffeeCup and you'd simply follow these website creation instructions to get started.

Or you can use a program like Site Build It!, which was created to help people make money from hobby or personal interest websites. Their entire focus is to help you earn an income no matter topic you choose.
Why is Topic Choice So Important?

You must understand. Sites that do well online are sites that have their own unique spin on a certain topic. The content is well written, updated frequently, the Webmasters understand the basics of Net marketing and they know their audience.

These are all things you must execute well if you want to become successful, and it will not happen overnight. So this is one reason topic choice is crucial.

You have to be patient while waiting on that traffic to come, so you might as well choose something that will keep your interest or you'll get bored and abandon your site.

And don't worry about what others are doing. Just because you see someone making millions with one topic, don't think you have to do the same thing or even something similar.

The reason that person is so successful is because of the points I mentioned above. Their passion for the topic is driving their creativity thus generating success. If you chose that same topic you might not be as motivated because it's not your "thing."

I know it's tempting to copy someone else's successful idea but it's really a bad idea for most people.

Now it's time to choose what peeks your interest and develop your own personal spin on it. That's the first step to being successful out here, so I hope you take this message seriously.
Not to Discourage You, But...

The goal of this article is not to discourage you from creating a complex, interactive site. If that's something you have your heart set on then go for it.

I just want you to understand what's involved. You can't just buy a software program, download some template and create an interactive site like FaceBook, YouTube or MySpace.

Extensive, hardcore programming is required. So you'll either have to learn yourself or pay someone else BIG to do it for you.

It's much better to start small and simple with a site like I described above and once the traffic and money starts coming in, then you can expand to something more robust and complex.

It will save you a lot of money and headaches if you do it that way.

Quick Overview of Creating a Website

There's a lot of information on this site and if you're a beginner, it can be overwhelming. I created this quick guide just to give you an idea of what's involved with creating a website.

I encourage you to read it through once without clicking on any of the links just so you can understand the big picture. Then after you've absorbed the info, go back and click the links for more info.

Also watch my video that provides a quick overview of what you need to begin your site.

What You Need to Build a Website

1) Domain Name

The domain name creates the address of your site. So, would be an example of a domain name.

Domain names are paid for yearly and you can register them here.

Looking for a FREE site?

I never endorse free webhosts. They are too unstable, you never really own your site and you do not receive a true domain name. Instead your address will be something like In some cases, the domain may be even longer.

2) Web Host

A website cannot exist without a web host. This is the company that houses your files and provides the environment for you to create and save pages to the Internet.

Web hosts are usually paid for monthly (some are yearly).

Learn the importance of choosing the right websitehost. Very important page!

3) Web Building Software (Optional)

Some web hosts provide website building tools so you do not need any additional software. It's important you find out about this before you sign up with any host.

Coffee Cup & Dreamweaver are popular web editing software programs that people use to create and maintain their sites.

I used Dreamweaver to create this site.

If you don't use any software, then you will need to learn how to code HTML from scratch. All you do is open a text editor (Notepad or BBEdit for example) and then write the HTML that will create your page. It's pretty easy to learn.

Then you save the file as filename.html and save it to the Internet through your web host.

If you're not interested in learning HTML, I'd strongly recommend downloading some of my free HTML templates and buying a software program like COffe Cup to edit and continue building your site

Nvu and composer are two free editors you can download. As you might expect, they do have some limitations (free is not always best) but they can get the job done.

Other Website Features

Want a gaming site? Looking to create a message forum or chat room for your visitors to communicate? Maybe you want an online guestbook where people can leave you messages on your site.

This is where it gets a little tricky but don't let it discourage you. As the Internet matures, it's getting easier and easier to setup these kinds of things on a website.

Any kind of user interactive feature on a website requires some kind of script. A script is nothing but a file that contains a bunch of code that tells the browser how to behave.

Depending on what you want to create for your site, you'll need to go to your favorite search site (Google, for example) and search for the appropriate script (game script, message board script, etc.) Some are free, some are not-so-free.

Say you want a message board/forum, you can go to and get a free message board script. The trick is you have to install it yourself.

They do provide instructions and it really isn't that difficult but you'll need to get setup with your web host first.

Most web hosts will help you if you need some guidance and some even provide scripts to their customers for free.Powweb and Website Palace both do.

Important! Before you select a web host, make sure they support the kind of script and functionality you want to use.

Making Money from Your Website

More and more people are coming to the web to either make a living or earn a part-time living from a website or blog.

It's certainly possible to make a full-time living online (like me), so if that's the route you're looking for, you've come to the right place.

In fact, I've created an article that talks about the Various ways you can make online.

Outsource The Programming

If you can't seem to find a script or you don't want to learn how to install them you can go to and have a programmer do the work for you. I love this site.

All you do is sign up for an account and post a job. In a matter of minutes, programmers will begin bidding on your job with a price and you take the bid you want.

It's very safe because you pay the programmers by using and you don't release the money to them until you are satisfied with their work. You can also check a coder's feedback/history before you select them. I use them all the time!

You can even have them design your site if you wish. Just purchase your domain and web hosting and then have one of the coders create a template for you. They'll even install it for you.

That's website creation in a nutshell. Now I will suggest you go to my website creation options page to further understand the importance of choosing the right kind of web host before you begin.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Velveteen Rabbit

The Velveteen Rabbit (2009) | 700 MB

A lonely boy wins over his distant father and strict grandmother with help from a brave velveteen rabbit whose one wish is to become a real rabbit someday.

Down 4% in popularity this week. See why on IMDbPro.
Michael Landon Jr.
Cindy Kelley (screenplay)
Michael Landon Jr. (story)
View company contact information for The Velveteen Rabbit on IMDbPro.
Family more
All You Need to Do is Believe more
A lonely boy wins over his distant father and strict grandmother with help from a brave velveteen rabbit whose one wish is to become a real rabbit someday. | add synopsis
Plot Keywords:
Rabbit | Love | Part Live Action | Inspiration |





The Bodyguard 2 (2009)

The bodyguard 2 (2009) | 699.3 MB

Khamlao is working undercover as a cowboy go-go dancer in a Bangkok gay disco, which is a front for an arms dealer.

In between his Secret Service gigs he is henpecked by his horny hairdresser wife who's oblivious to his policing activities. Khamlao is then drafted by the Secret Service to infiltrate a record company that also deals in warhead trafficking. He must pose as a wannabe singer and soon...
Starring: Petchtai Wongkamlao, Tony Jaa
Directed by: Petchtai Wongkamlao
Produced by: Prachya Pinkaew, Sukanya Vongsthapat, Petchtai Wongkamlao





Right at Your Door

Right at Your Door DVDRip XviD-DMZ
English | Genre: Drama | Thriller | 96 min | 712.06 MB

Download Links





Newtonin Moondram Vidhi (2009)

Newtonin Moondram Vidhi (2009) | 597.69 MB

Bottomline: Newtonin Moondram Vidhi (Newton's Third Law - To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction') probably started as a good idea. It is a revenge tale about Guru (SJ Suryaah) who decides he wants to get even with JP (Rajeev) exactly a year after he brutally rapes and kills Priya (Sayali Bhagat), Guru's fiance. It may not sound like the most original story idea but the way Guru goes about his plan to eliminate JP within two hours and in real time sets very high expectations as the film starts. The problem is Director Thaimuthuselvan loses the plot somewhat when he starts adding the regular formula elements like dream songs in a plot that would probably work best as a slick, linear, edge-of-the-seat thriller. SJ Suryaah breaks away from his routine and is convincing as Guru the focused man with a vendetta mission. Rajeev Krishna (Remember him as Mr Nice guy in Aa-ha?) returns after a long hiatus and has a near parallel role as JP the successful and evil Media Baron. Yugendran is brilliant as JP's trusted sidekick. Newtonin Moondram Vidhi is worth watching just for its novel plot and the way the pendulum keeps swinging from Guru to JP with a series of interesting twists and turns.





Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hanger (2009) DVDRip XviD-DMZ

Hanger (2009) DVDRip XviD-DMZ
DVD | 640 x 352 | 1212 kbps | 128 kbps | 1 hr 12 mins | 710.89 MB
Genre: Horror

HANGER is a horrifying tale of revenge that begins with a back-alley abortion, and ends with a bloodbath so vicious that it brings a new meaning to ‘an eye for eye.’ From pimps to dealers and hookers to junkies, HANGER dives headfirst into the depths of human depravity.

Download Links





Public Enemies (2009)

BDRip | English | XVID | 640 x 272 @ 943 kbps | AC3 @ 448 kbps | 1.4 GB
Genre: Biography | Crime | Drama | History | Thriller
Directed By:Michael Mann
Starring: James Russo, David Wenham, Christian Stolte

The Feds try to take down notorious American gangsters John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson and Pretty Boy Floyd during a booming crime wave in the 1930s.



Salman pays tribute to Dharmendra in London Dreams

Salman Khan is known to have a great amount of respect for veteran actor Dharmendra. Recently Sallu even invited Dharam paaji and Sunny Deol on his popular game show '10 Ka Dum'. Now as a special tribute to Dharmendra, Salman has incorporated some of the veteran actor's dance moves in the song 'Man Ko Ati Bhave' from his forthcoming film London Dreams.
In the song, promos of which are already on air, Salman is seen wooing Asin on the streets of Paris in front of historic locations such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. Khan, in his adorably mad style, and has even adopted some of Dharam paaji's trademark moves while dancing for this song.
Confirming that Salman's moves were consciously modeled on the lines of Dharmendra's famous dance steps, choreographer Rajeev Surti said, "When we were discussing the choreography, Salman bhai suggested that we incorporate Dharamji's famous moves. He is a big Dharmendra fan and felt that the steps would go really well with the fun feel of the song. He managed to ape Dharamji's moves perfectly and has even added his own unique flavour to them."
Incidentally, when the number was being shot, French President Nicolas Sarkozy had just won the six month presidency of the EU, and to celebrate this momentous occasion, the entire Eiffel Tower was lit up in blue and gold which was an extremely rare sight. "We were lucky to grab that rare sight," added director Vipul Shah
With so much happening while filming this song, viewers certainly have more than one reason to check out the full song when London Dreams releases on October 30.

Shilpa Shetty, Raj Kundra take Jermaine Jackson for Taj Mahal visit

The bonding between Shilpa and Jermaine which was established during her turbulent stint at Big Brother, just got much stronger and more creative during Jermaine's current visit to India when Shilpa along with Adnan Sami played hosts to Jermaine and his wife Halima.
In fact on Monday, Shilpa and her NRI boyfriend Raj Kundra flew the Jacksons in his private jet to Agra and then to Jaipur for a flash visit to these legendary tourist spots.
It was Adnan who had promised to take Jermaine to the Taj Mahal but the accident aborted their plans. Jermaine and his wife were more than happy to go with Shilpa and her man specially since the visit was planned and executed by Kundra to the minutest detail.
It was in Jaipur that apparently the idea of musical collaboration between Jermaine and Shilpa concretized.
Incidentally, both the Shetty sisters Shilpa and Shamita sing. We've now seen Shamita doing her singing in Bigg Boss.
Says Shilpa, "It's too early to talk about what Jermaine and I are doing together. But yes, we will work together for sure. Shamita's singing, the world has now seen. Isn't she adorable?"
About taking the Jackson couple to Agra and Jaipur on Kundra's jet, Shilpa says, "I really don't want to talk about what we did or are doing for Jermaine and Halima. We are their hosts in India. They are a fabulous couple. Both Raj and I love them both. We had a great time in Agra and Jaipur. It was Jermaine's dream to visit these spots. Strangely a day before we took him to Jaipur, he saw Rambagh Palace on television in his room at the Taj hotel in Mumbai and was completely enamoured. He had no clue we'd take him to Rambagh the next day."
Not willing to reveal much about the Jermaine-Shilpa collaboration plans, Shilpa quips, "Nowadays you never know when and who is waiting around the corner to put a spanner in your works. I just heard that one Mr. Hirani is suing me. The only Hirani I know is the one who has made the wonderful Munnabhai films. I can't wait to meet him."

Roshan Abbas' film for Red Chillies tentatively titled Always Kabhi Kabhi

A few months ago, we had told you about well known theatre personality and radio guru Roshan Abbas making his directorial debut with a film for SRK's production house Red Chillies Entertainment. While Roshan is all set to take his film (tentatively titled Always Kabhi Kabhi) on floors he is quick to dismiss the rumours that the film will also star Shah Rukh Khan.
Roshan said, "No...SRK is just producing the film. My film stars four fresh new faces, one among them is Zoa (daughter of Karim Morani) who is making her debut with this film. We are still finalizing some of the cast members and as of now have some known names too like Archana Puran Singh, Satish Shah etc. playing vital roles."

Roshan is also quick to dismiss rumours that his film is based on the popular social networking site Facebook. " I have said earlier, the film is an adaptation of a play I had written and directed way back in 1999 called 'Graffiti' about life at high school. That play was set in '99 and this film is set in 2009 so it's but obvious that I would be having some elements which the youth of today connect with one of them being social networking sites such as Facebook. However, beyond that there is no real connection. The film is set in a high school and will try to capture the various emotions such as love, jealousy, pride that one goes through during school days. I believe some of the best days of our life are the ones that we spend in high school and it is this period of one's life that the film will portray."

Shooting of the film Always Kabhi Kabhi is scheduled to commence in mid-November at various locations across India. Pritam has been roped in to compose music for the film.

Kajol chosen as brand ambassador for Oil Of Olay

Going by the list of endorsements that the Bollywood celebrities are doing these days, FMCG market seem clouded with Bollywood stars busy promoting one product after another. After having reported the endorsement deals of Priyanka Chopra- Levis, Mugdha Godse- Mysore Sandal Soap, we bring you yet another endorsement scoop involving the electrifying Kajol whose been chosen as the Brand Ambassador for the leading cosmetic giant Oil Of Olay.

Kajol, who has always spelt talent with a capital T, is one of the very few actresses who have managed to keep her image squeaky clean- both on and off screen. This could be one of the major reasons why she is an eternal hot favourite when it comes to companies looking for the most saleable face. With Oil Of Olay in her kitty, Kajol has just added yet another feather to her cap full of brand-ambassadorships, which includes the likes of Anchor toothpaste, Yakult health drink, Whirlpool, Alpenliebe…to name a few.

With her much-awaited film My Name Is Khan, coupled with multitude of endorsements, Kajol is definitely back with a bang and how!

Bipasha Basu becomes brand ambassador for LaOpala

LaOpala, the leader in glass tableware manufacturing, has roped in none other than the 'Bong-shell' Bipasha Basu to promote their new range of crockery called 'Diva'. Going by the 'never-say-end' list of her brand endorsements, one can easily say that Bipasha indeed has positioned herself as a superhot property, not just in Bollywood, but also in ad-land!
Manish Jain, Vice President-Marketing & Sales, said that, "We have positioned our new brand Diva as a stylish and a fashionable one. Bipasha Basu also enjoys the same position in Bollywood. It only becomes needless to say that both of them go hand-in-hand. That's the reason why we roped in Bipasha Basu." Talking about this association, Bipasha Basu said, "I am very happy to be associated with the premium brand of crockery like Diva, which is first of its kind in the Indian crockery industry. The Diva range also has elegant designs, mostly targeted towards the modern women. I would love to have a selection of this range in my kitchen".

With Bipasha endorsing the Diva range of LaOpala, all that one can say is that 'One Diva truly deserves another'. What say...La Bipasha!